2016年5月22日 星期日

SuperPrep® Cell Lysis & RT Kit for qPCR (Code No. SCQ-101) TOYOBO直接型反轉錄cDNA試劑組

TOYOBO 一小時快速上機  完成 Q-PCR 反應 !!

7分鐘的溶解酵素時間, 20分鐘的one-step的反轉錄酵素作用, 直接進行Q-PCR定量實驗


  • RNA purification is not necessary.
  • High-quality cDNA can be obtained from cell lysates.
  • Reduction of dispersion on high-throughput assay.
  • Various real-time PCR regents can be applied.

  • The cells tested by this systems.

    Cell NameAdherent/
    1A431AdherentH.sapiensepidermoid carcinoma cell line
    2C2C12AdherentM. musculusmyoblast cell line
    3Caco-2AdherentH.sapienscolon adenocarcinoma cell line
    4CHO-K1AdherentC. griseusovary cell line
    5COLO205Non-adherentH.sapienscolon adenocarcinoma cell line
    6DLD-1AdherentH.sapienscolon adenocarcinoma cell line
    7HCT-15AdherentH.sapienscolon adenocarcinoma cell line
    8HDFAdherentH.sapiensprimary foreskin fibroblasts (primary cell)
    9HEK293AdherentH.sapiensembryonic kidney cell line
    10HeLa S3AdherentH.sapienscervix carcinoma cell line
    11HepG2AdherentH.sapienshepatocellular carcinoma cell line
    12HUVECAdherentH.sapiensumbilical vein endothelial cells (primary cell)
    13JurkatNon-adherentH.sapiensT lymphocyte cell line
    14K562Non-adherentH.sapiensmyelogenous leukemia cell line
    15KUSA-A1AdherentM. musculusbone marrow stromal stem cell line
    16L929AdherentM. musculusaneuploid fibrosarcoma cell line
    17MCF7AdherentH.sapiensbreast adenocarcinoma cell line
    18Neuro2aAdherentM. musculusneuroblastoma cell line
    19NIH-3T3AdherentM. musculusembryo fibroblast cell line
    20PC12AdherentR. norvegicusadrenal pheochromocytoma cell line
    21rMSCAdherentR. norvegicusbone marrow stromal stem cells (primary cell)
    22THP-1Non-adherentH.sapiensacute monocytic leukemia cell line
    23U937Non-adherentH.sapiensleukemic monocyte lymphoma cell line

    [代理廠商]  萊恩生物科技公司
    [台中業務]  陳俊豪
    [聯絡電話]  04-25239639
    [行動電話]  0937-229803
    [電子信箱]  biolion0819@gmail.com

