2013年10月27日 星期日

新代理優惠促銷 Proteintech給您最優質的力價表現


Proteintech 美國芝加哥成立,是一家專門從事研發、生產和銷售抗體及重組蛋白的生物公司。目標是開發所有人類蛋白的抗體,Proteintech建立了擁有22,000條人類基因的cDNA基因庫,10,000多種人類蛋白質抗體庫,適用範圍涵蓋生命科學各研究領域。而其產品被各大學術期刊論文頻繁引用,並在國際學術界建立獨具特色的品牌地位。

年底前抗體優惠促銷  NT$10,000-

業務專員:   陳俊豪
公司電話:   04-25239639
行動電話:   0937-229803
電子信箱:   biolion0819@gmail.com


2013年10月15日 星期二

TOYOBO 抗體訊號增強液, 針對Western Blot, ELISA, IHC, IF相關性實驗


TOYOBO 訊號加強液 Can Get Signal  買一送一  限量十組

買就送    Prestain Protein Marker 500ul  1組 NT$2700-


Can Get Signal® is a solution containing an accelerator for antigen-antibody reactions. This reagent improves sensitivity, specificity, and signal-to-noise ration (S/N) for Western blotting, dot blotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), etc. Solutions 1 and 2 refer to the reactions of the primary and secondary antibodies, respectively.

  • Enhances immunoassay signals up to several dozen times by maintaining low background signals.
  • Can be used in combination with secondary antibodies labeled with peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase, etc.
  • Can be used directly without dilution (ready-to-use).

  • Can Get Signal® immunostain is a reaction solution that contains an accelerator for antigen-antibody reactions, which improves sensitivity, specificity, and S/N of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunocytochemistry.

  • Improves sensitivity, specificity, and S/N of IHC.
  • Can be applied to various detection systems (e.g., chromogenic, chemiluminescence, or fluorescence).
  • Can be used with ABC or polymer complex methods.
  • Solutions A and B exhibit various properties for improving results.
  • Can be used directly without dilution (Ready-to-use).

  • [代理廠商]  萊恩生物科技公司
    [台中業務]  陳俊豪
    [聯絡電話]  04-25239639
    [行動電話]  0937-229803
    [電子信箱]  biolion0819@gmail.com